Saturday, January 29, 2011

Wake Up!!!!

This morning my poor daddy was just trying to help and it was dark so I understand the mismatch. Five minutes before my alarm was set to go off Daddy came busting in worried that I was going to be late for work. He had a wringing phone in his hand causing us to think that my alarm was left elsewhere in the house rendering it useless. As it turns out it was my sisters phone and I don't have to be to work for another hour yet. But the upside is I got lots of Daddy hugs before he went back to sleep to enjoy the rest of his Saturday.



  1. You are so wonderfully amazing to choose a good positive attitude about the situation and know that your daddy simply loves you.
    I love that picture!

  2. What a great Daddy!

    Thanks for visiting my blog - Zebby Cat doesn't have such a pleasant wake up method - he whacks me in the face!
