Last weekend my car decided to add to its list of quirks, no not only does it over heat, die, and blare a fog horn in weather hotter than 65 degrees, or sound an airbag alarm whenever the key is turned (even though there aren't airbags in the passenger sides), or sound the airbag alarm if driven for more than 40 minutes, which are all fantastic little quirks, now my car has decided that reverse shall no longer be one of its functions. Yes now we are aloud to only parallel park and never go down dead ends or pull into driveways, or parking spaces.

I forgot this last Friday. I drove the Pudding, myself, and Ninja Bell, to the dentist office and parked in a parking spot. As soon as this happened I instantly slammed my forehead into the steering wheel and groaned. The Pudding and Ninja Bell were most concerned at my apparently "not normal" behavior. I was under the impression that when i act "normal" it is a rare occasion and cause for alarm. There fore it was funny that my "normal" "not normal" reaction to parking a car that refuses to reverse in a parking spot blocked on all three sides by other cars, was cause for alarm. But I am fairly certain that "Normal" people are prone to slamming ones head on the steering wheel in frustration.

that was a rabbit trail. So nothing was to be done except that when we were finished with our dentist appointment I climbed in the car and put it in neutral while my two little sisters, who are both fit and trim yet still very much featherweights, attempted to push the car. I almost cried from laughing. Happily though the car parked next to us moved and we were able to turn sharply and not have to back completely out of the space.